WINDROSE Fund of Common Counsel Foundation is based in Oakland, California. We are an agile fund committed to building longstanding trust-based relationships. The windrose itself is symbolic as a wayfinding device and visual of intersection. A windrose maps 8 major winds and sometimes half winds, circular in format they show the frequency of winds blowing from different directions (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW). Our vision is not limited by particular issue areas, rather we work from an understanding that everything interrelates. When people heal the land heals, when the land heals people heal.


We work primarily in North America, with a focus in the Dakotas, Southwest and Northern Canada, though we also support work internationally.


Following are examples of some of the organizations we fund:

Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation

En’owkin Centre

Black Hills Clean Water Alliance

Community Agroecology Network

Anishinaabe Agriculture Institute

Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture

California Tribal Fund

Windrose is also a member of the Arctic Funders Collaborative.

